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No More Unfit Potato...

Running. That is a word that did not always feature in my vocabulary. It was usually a word I would have associated with diet,fit and summer body. My lifestyle pretty much consisted of fast foods and more fast foods. If I think about it now, I was kind of disgusting. Running can actually be a good thing. I have recently started jogging and I am not going to lie, it was pretty bad at the beginning but I think I am getting a hang of it. I do not consider myself as Miss Fitness but I do believe that you need to exercise. It is quite stimulating and refreshing. It does wonders to your brain and your body. So no more unfit potato lifestyle for you, out there and enjoy exercising. You do not have to do cross fit but you can start small by running on the spot or even doing a little bit of yoga. If you love the outdoors you can go for a morning or afternoon stroll and you can even go jogging. There are many ways to kill a cat just like there are any ways to stay fit.Take my advice, start soon and you might even have a summer body that is ready for the summer. Stop hibernating because it is winter and start exercising for the summer...

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