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What is Mondays really about? A Monday normally consists of you starting your weekly routine. Mondays are blue because it is always busy and filled with a bunch of things you have to do. This particular Monday was indeed out of the ordinary. I am a person who loves my sleep. What happened this morning is that it that I loved my sleep too much in fact that I almost slept through my 8 o'clock exam. I am a student currently studying law and me missing my exam is just not acceptable. When I woke up this morning, it was already 7:47 which meant that I was very, very late for my exam. So I jumped out of bed with the speed of lightning ,got dressed in not my most famous outfit.This not an outfit that you would want the paparazzi see you wearing. I brushed my teeth , I think I did something with my hair. So I then rushed out of the house like my life depended on it and got in my car. I drove very fast but not wreck less. I basically just adhered to all of the traffic rules with a little bit of exceptions. I am sure that I gained a bunch of road enemies today. Today I was flash and my feet was moving faster that my thoughts. I arrived at the exam location at exactly 8:01 , usually they give you 15 minutes to get into the exam location before the exam starts. I was literally just in time. When the exam was over I told my parents that if I were to be pulled over by an traffic officer on my way to the exam , I would have not stopped and they could have followed me all the way to the exam location. If I think about this morning's situation right now , I am considering it quite funny.I did not have a blue Monday but instead I had a hobo Monday. Did you ever have one of those Mondays where you do not want to be seen in public because of your appearance. I have most likely committed many fashion crimes today. I hope that you all will have a wonderful Monday.

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